


  1. 強化AACSB一直以來重視的使命與同儕審查;
  2. 強調以原則為基礎與注重結果的方法,以及現在和未來對商管學院的關聯性;
  3. 順應學生族群的變化而採取相對應的行動,確保持續精進與提供高品質的商管教育;
  4. 珍視使命框架下思想領導力的多樣化;
  5. 凸顯呈現關鍵價值的大原則。


第一部份:策略規劃與創新 Section 1: Strategic Management and Innovation
標準一:策略規劃 Standard 1: Strategic Planning
標準二:軟硬體及財務狀況 Standard 2: Physical, Virtual and Financial Resources
標準三:教職員 Standard 3: Faculty and Professional Staff Resources
  • Consistent mission
  • 5-year strategic plan
  • Supporting processes by university/college/department
  • Faculty and staff sufficiency
  • Faculty qualification status
第二部份:學習者的成功 Section 2: Learner Success
標準四:課程 Standard 4: Curriculum
標準五:學習成效確保 Standard 5: Assurance of Learning
標準六:學習者歷程 Standard 6: Learner Progression
標準七:教學有效性及影響 Standard 7: Teaching Effectiveness and Impact
  • Curriculum management through Assurance of Learning (AoL)
第三部份:思想領導力、參與及社會影響力 Section 3: Thought Leadership, Engagement, and Societal Impact
標準八:學術影響力 Standard 8: Impact of Scholarship
標準九:參與及社會影響力 Standard 9: Engagement and Societal Impact
  • 5-year portfolios of faculty intellectual contributions (ICs)
  • Societal impact through diverse stakeholder networks